
When you hear the word, Apprenticeship, what thoughts instantly spring to mind? School leaver? Low pay? Going to college?  

If so, it may be that your perceptions of a modern apprenticeship arent what they should be.

Apprenticeships in the UK evolved significantly over the last decade with more professional qualifications, levels and funding options than ever before.

In April 2017, the government introduced something called the Apprenticeship Levy in England. This Levy is effectively a fund which employers must pay into each and every month. Each company have their own Levy account and the funds which go into this account must be used for apprenticeship training for their employees or after 18 months the government will keep the fund. This brings a huge new incentive to businesses to use apprenticeship training for their current and new employees.

Due to this there are more and more professional bodies now offering their qualifications and certifications embedded within Apprenticeship training. For instance you can complete AAT, ACCA and even ACAPP courses when enrolling in an apprenticeship training programme. The best bit, most of these programmes are designed for experienced professionals who are wanting to gain a formal qualification and progress their career. 

For instance ACAPP offer options for new starters right through to Senior Departmental Managers (AP & P2P) with Training competed over 12-24 months depending on your learning pace. 

If you’d like to learn more about the ACAPP Apprenticeship Routes, visit our Apprenticeship information page or contact us on [email protected] for more information and guidance.

Apprenticeships – Not just for the young and inexperienced…

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